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- D.C- Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to change law to run for US president in 2016.

The 66-year-old actor - who was born in Austria - is
battling to change the law in America to allow foreign-
born candidates to stand for the top political role, which
will allow him to take part in the elections in three years
time and possibly be voted in as the leader of the


A source told the New York Post newspaper:
"Schwarzenegger has been talking openly about working
on getting the constitutional rules changed so he can run
for president in 2016. He is ready to file legal paperwork
to challenge the rules."

The Constitution prevents foreign-born citizens from
being the country's leader, and any amendments must be
approved by a two-thirds majority in the House and the
Senate, but The Expendables 2 star became a US citizen
in 1983 and could go forward with a legal challenge.

Schwarzenegger has always had political aspirations and
became the Governor of California in 2003 after winning
the election. He held the position for two terms before

returning to his film career in 2011.
Speaking previously, he said: "That was always the plan:

I'd step out of the movie business for a period of time,
and into the governorship. And then, when I'm finished
with the governorship, go back to the movie business. I
am very happy being busy with movies."

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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