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Femi Kuti Talks about Being Sexually Active At 51

But he is only 51 now, lol. He also talks about his

That is not true, I am no more sexually active. When you
see a beautiful woman, when you reach my age and you
have responsibility like myself, you will know what I am

talking about. Before now, as a young man, you would
want to go after her. There are many nights I go and sleep
alone not because I don't have girlfriends or want a
girlfriend, when I think of the responsibility I have in my
life, I will immediately have a rethink.

The women in my life also have responsibilities. I can tell
you that the mothers of my children, we stay together, we
are very serious. You could say we are husband and wife
but I don't believe in marriage. I just don't understand why
one man will say I pronounce you man and wife, in that

I pronounce myself man and wife. I am very different
from my father but in a lot of ways like him.
Like I couldn't understand why he married 27 wives. When
he married them, he divorced them. I didn't have a problem
with my father's wives but my mother did. When the
problem started in Kalakuta, for us it was fun. Many things
have changed. Of course I am very much sexually active but
when I consider the problems my shoki has given me, it dies

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