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Kano arms factory bust

Nigeria's terrorist insurgent group, Boko Haram, has formed the habit of preparing special "gifts" for ordinary, innocent Nigerians in parts of the North as festivals draw near, when vigilance is at the lowest ebb and citizens are in carefree mood.

As the countdown to this year's Id El Kabir festival drew near, agents of the Joint Military Task Force (JTF), acting on a tip-off by patriotic members of the public, discovered that Boko Haram had perfected plans to attack Kano and environs.
On Monday, October 7, 2013, JTF stormed a house in Gunduwawa village in Gazewa Local Government Area of Kano State, and hauled in 193 rounds of 5.3mm ammunitions, one AK 47 magazine, 107 rounds of "special ammunition and tools for making improvised explosive devices (IEDs)."
It will be recalled that Kano has been the theatre of the most frightening coordinated gun and explosives attacks since the Boko Haram insurgency took upon a scale of national emergency. Thus was saved an unknown number of lives and property that would have increased the sad states of terror in Northern Nigeria.
We will never tire in urging members of the public to continue to work closely with the law enforcement agencies, who are making gallant and selfless efforts to keep us all safe from our collective enemies.
The people of Kano and other areas menaced by agents of terror must emulate the brave decision of the youth of Borno State to partner with the JTF in identifying and eliminating cells of terror within and around their communities.
The discovery of this arms dump was a chilling indicator that Boko Haram was already beginning to re-establish a foothold in Nigeria's second largest city after the security agents succeeded in driving them to the edges of the Lake Chad in the ongoing emergency operations.
The modest recovery of Kano from its war-torn status would have suffered a numbing setback had these anarchists succeeded in their designs.
It would seem that even those mischievous
politicians and social commentators, who had, at the outset, lionised Boko Haram as if they were fighting their political and cultural interests, have now seen the light; that these terrorists have no friends, only enemies. They do not discriminate.
This is why we must always side with our security agents. Even when they make mistakes, we must not descend on them with the venom with which some critics came down on the security agents that dislodged alleged Boko Haram members from an uncompleted building in Abuja.
We must bear in mind that the security forces, especially the army, are our last stand against an armed enemy. We must continue to motivate them with our support and encouragement.
Source: vanguard
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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