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Mr Latin's Former P.A Commits Suicide In America

Lanre started living in the US last year when he went on a
visit with Mr Latin and decided to stay back at the end of
his visit. After living in Minnesota, he moved to Texas
where things got better for him. He acquired some exotic
cars and started living a good life, but things however
changed for him this year. He's friends said he started
behaving strangely and refused to talk to anyone. Some
said they think it's a spiritual attack and all efforts made by
them to help him proved abortive. Lanre however ended his
life, when he jumped into a river. No one knew his identity
until his ID card was found. Lanre was Mr Latin's P.A for 8
years until last year when he stopped working for him.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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