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Nigerian girl, Oduwole appointed ambassador in Tanzania

Zuriel with Tanzania First Lady, Selma Kikwete(ABOVE)
Zuriel Oduwole, the 11-year-old Nigerian girl advocating
for education for the girl child in Africa has been appointed
Ambassador in Tanzania for the country's largest
foundation focused on gender issues – Wanawake na
Maendeleo (WAMA) .
The 'wonder girl' was honoured by the country's first lady,
Madam Salma Kikwete when she attended a United
Nations event in Dar Es Salaam last week .
Tanzania was Zuriel's second country stop on her East
African leg to launch the acclaimed Dream Up, Speak Up,
Stand Up program, aimed at inspiring and encouraging
Africa's girls.
Senior officials of the Tanzanian State House, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Education, welcomed her to
the land of Kilimanjaro as he stepped out of the plane.
On the first official day of her arrival, the atmosphere was
purely festive at the Olympio School, one of the oldest
academic institutions in Dar Es Salaam, where Zuriel spoke
on her project.
In the afternoon of October 11th, the day designated by the
UN to celebrating the Girl Child, she attended the United
Nations UNFPA event in Dar Es Salaam, which focused on
reducing the incidence of child marriage in Tanzania.
She later exclusively spoke with the national ITV network, in
an interview for the days evening broadcast.
The next day, she was formally invited to the State House
by the office of the First lady, who commended Zuriel for
her leadership at such a very young age, in bringing the
issues of girls education to several African leaders.
Zuriel has interviewed no fewer than nine African leaders,
including the Tanzanian head of state.
The First Lady then formally appointed her an Ambassador
for Wanawake na Maendeleo Foundation [WAMA] of which
she is the founding Patron.
During the ceremony, Mrs. Kikwete then presented Zuriel
with the official attire of the foundation, several gifts, and
an intricate three-foot statue of unity, the same type
presented to the US President, to symbolize the effect of
Zuriel's programs in the lives of Africa's young women.
Big congrats to her!

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