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Photo: A Woman With HIV+ Caught And Arrested For Breast-feeding Neighbour's Baby

A 39-year-old Zimbabwean woman, Annie Mpariwa who is
HIV positive has been arrested for breastfeeding a
neighbour's baby without her consent. The case which is
already in court has been set for further hearing on the
24th of October for an HIV test to be performed on the

toddler. She was arrested last week on charges of common
nuisance and should the child test positive; the charge will
be raised to "deliberately infecting another person with
HIV". The mother of the 14-month-old baby said seeing her
child being breastfed by her neighbour was traumatising.

According to her, the neighbour snatched the child while
she was playing outside and hid her in her room. But after
searching for the child for quite some time, she went and
knocked on Annie's rented room and got no response.

Upon peeping through the window, she saw her
breastfeeding the little girl.

I was shocked. I nearly fainted," she said, adding that her
breasts were leaking milk yet she was not a nursing mother
or pregnant.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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