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Shocking Photos: See How Anabolic Steroids Turned Female Body Builder Into A Man!

Once a slender, pretty blonde, Candice is now a hulking
brunette with muscles that wouldn't look out of place on
Arnold Schwarzenegger and body hair that sprouts from
her back, chest and upper lip. Candice had no intention of
becoming so masculine when she began taking anabolic
steroids, but says that it's too late for her to stop. No, it
wasn't my plan,' she tells Marsh in a scene from the
documentary. 'You could argue that when I wanted big
arms and broad shoulders, a bigger back and small hips,
that that was a masculine look but I didn't consciously
decide I want to change from a woman into a man.' The
side effects have been severe.

Along with excess body hair and acne, her clitoris has
swelled so much, it has become a mini penis. 'That has gone
significantly bigger, yes,' she reveals.
'About an inch [long]
and it's shaped like a little penis. It looks like a little penis,
you can roll back the foreskin...' Her breasts have also
suffered and now hang lifeless from her hugely
overdeveloped pectoral muscles. But with side-effects that
range from excess body hair to liver damage, using them
can result in serious health issues as well as bigger muscles -
as the stars of a new documentary fronted by former reality
TV star Jodie Marsh prove. Among the performance-
enhancing drug users to feature on Jodie Marsh
On...Steroids, is former barmaid Candice Armstrong, 28,
from Walthamstow in London, whose steroid abuse has
effectively turned her into a man.
Wow, I'd never have had any inkling that this person was
female ... so masculine!
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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