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Shocking: Young Chinese Couple Face Jail After Selling Their Baby Daughter For £5,000To Buy An iPhone

A young Chinese couple are facing many years in jail after
allegedly selling their baby daughter to raise money for an
iPhone and other luxury goods. The couple, identified only

as Miss Zhang and Mr Teng, are said to have placed
anonymous advertisements in newspapers suggesting they
would be willing to part with their baby - unborn at that
stage - in exchange for 50,000 yuan (about £5,000).
Police in Shanghai have charged the couple with human
trafficking after accepting money for the baby, who was
born at home and still only weeks, or months old, when
Having received the money, which was deposited in their
bank account, the couple went out on a spending spree,
using part of the proceeds to buy an iPhone, State media
reported today.
The unemployed couple, who have two other children, were
also accused of using the money to purchase a number of
luxury goods. They are understood to have told prosecutors
that they were acting in their daughter's best interests,
claiming they had hoped to find a home for her with a
financially stable family who would be able to provide her
with an eduction.
'We did not give the baby away for money but in order to
give it more security,' Shanghai's Jiefang Daily newspaper
reported them as telling officials. But prosecutors said they
believed the couple's bank records show they had hatched
a 'sinister conspiracy' to profit from the sale of the baby.
One credit card bill is said to show that immediately after
trading the child, the couple spent large amounts of money
on the internet, including buying an iPhone and a pair of
expensive trainers. In an attempt to hide that they were
behind the sale of a child, the couple tried to conceal the
fact that Miss Zhang was pregnant and she had even gone
to the length of giving birth at home.
They are said to have told neighbours that the baby bump
during Miss Zhang's pregnancy was a tumour.
iPhones are a sought-after commodity in China and only last
year seven people were jailed in Hunan province for their
role in the purchase of a kidney from a teenage boy, who
used the money to buy an iPhone and an iPad. Na wa o!
All for iPhone! Do you think both buyers and sellers should
be jailed?
Culled from Daily Mail
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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