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Millions tune in for Doctor Who 50th anniversary show

At its peak, the show was watched by 10.61 million viewers, with an average of 10.2 million across the 75-minute running time.

It comfortably beat X Factor on ITV, which was seen by 7.7 million people.

But Strictly Come Dancing was Saturday night's most popular show, peaking at 11.7 million viewers (10.6m average).

'Beautiful reinvention'

The Day of the Doctor was broadcast in 94 countries at the same time as it aired on BBC One on Saturday night.

Featuring three Doctors - Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt - it delved deep into the character's psyche over 75 minutes.

Amid the special effects and multiple time zones, critics were particularly impressed with the interplay between the actors.

The Telegraph's Ben Lawrence wrote: "Tennant is edgy and mercurial, likely to turn on a pin. Smith is gentler, with a boyish eccentricity and other-worldly strangeness. They sparred terrifically with a fair amount of trademark humour.

"Smith's Doctor teased Tennant's about his 'sand shoes' and his weight. 'Ooh. That is proper skinny. Hello matchstick man!'

"And yet they were both skilled enough to convince the viewer that they were one and the same person, both sharing a compassion, an acute intelligence and a formidable nose for danger."

Three generations of Doctors were united in the story, alongside the current companion Clara (Jenna Coleman)

Billie Piper returned - not as her previous character Rose Tyler, but as the operating system of a WMD

Despite the appearance of the Daleks, the Zygons were the show's chief antagonists

Matt Smith's Fez helped to drive the plot along
In a five star review, the Mirror's Jon Cooper singled out writer Steven Moffat as the real star.

"He's put something together here that not only gives hardcore fans a beautiful reinvention of their favourite show but also gives casual viewers a stonking story and a reminder why we all love this show so much," he wrote.

"This had labour of love stamped throughout it," agreed Simon Brew on the Den Of Geek website.

"It felt like a real treat, a gift to Who fandom, but more importantly, a strong episode in its own right."

Opening with the show's original credit sequence from 1963, the special featured the Daleks and the return of rubber suited, shape-shifting aliens the Zygons, who first appeared in 1975.

But the principal villain was potentially the Doctor himself.

Moffat's story played with the idea, introduced when the science-fiction show re-launched in 2005, that the Doctor was the "last of the Time Lords".

It transpired that Hurt's version of the Doctor had taken the decision to commit mass genocide in order to halt a "Great Time War" - and the 75-minute episode saw him fighting to come to terms with that decision, aided by two future versions of himself.

There were also cameos from former star Tom Baker, and Peter Capaldi, who replaces Smith later this year.

"The last few minutes affected me quite deeply," wrote Neil Perryman, who recently completed his goal of watching all 697 episodes of Doctor Who on the Guardian's website.

He conceded that some of the details "didn't make a lot of sense on first viewing" but added: "I don't care - I'll be watching it again this evening".

Speaking immediately after the show ended, star Matt Smith said: "I think what's really clever about it is that what he [Moffat] has managed to do is change the mythology of the character - which, after 50 years, is an achievement."

Aside from the emotional drama, the episode was filled with comedic moments - including a proposal, a marriage and "a machine that goes ding".

"Is there a lot of this in the future?" John Hurt asked as David Tenant kissed Queen Elizabeth I.

"There is a bit, yes," deadpanned Matt Smith.

A composite image showing all 13 actors to have played the Doctor was released for the 50th anniversary
Screened in 3D in more than 1,500 cinemas in 94 countries - from Russia to Ethiopia (where several old Doctor Who episodes were rediscovered earlier this year) - the anniversary special attracted hundreds of fans in fancy dress, including bow ties, fezzes and Dalek outfits.

A gala screening at the BFI in London was attended by Smith, Hurt, Moffat and their co-star Jenna Coleman.

A huge cheer echoed around the cinema as the end credits rolled, while Tom Baker's surprise cameo also received a large round of applause.

The viewing figures are the highest for the science fiction show since the 2010 Christmas Special.

They do not take into account people who taped the show, or watched it later on iPlayer - and are therefore likely to rise once consolidated figures become available.
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