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Quit smoking adverts highlight toxic risk to brain

The more a person smokes, the greater their risk of a stroke
A new public health campaign in England is highlighting the toxic damage tobacco smoke does to vital organs such as the brain, as well as the lungs.

The TV adverts warn how smoke makes blood "dirty and thick with toxins" which then circulate in the body, increasing the risks of a stroke.

"If you could see the damage, you'd stop" say the adverts, aimed at encouraging smokers to quit.

Smokers are twice as likely to die of stroke as non-smokers.

They are also at greater risk of developing memory problems and dementia.

The new campaign goes live on 30 December and offers support, advice and a range of tools for anyone looking to stop smoking.

Chief Medical Officer Prof Dame Sally Davies said: "We know about the serious effect smoking has on the heart and lungs but smokers need to be aware of how much potential damage is being done to the brain and other vital organs through toxins in cigarettes entering the blood.

"Smoking is the major cause of premature death, with one in two smokers dying prematurely from smoking-related diseases, and it is extremely worrying that people still underestimate the health harms associated with it.

"However, it is not all doom and gloom for smokers looking to quit this New Year. Within five years of stopping smoking, your risk of stroke can be reduced to the same as a lifetime non-smoker."

Around a quarter of adults in the UK smoke.

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