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”My Fiance Ran Away With My Money To Marry My Best Friend’


What I am about to share may sound like a badly scripted Nollywood movie but it happened to me.
My name is Sandra and I am a 34-year-old woman who has been hurt greatly by the man I thought was in love with me and wanted to spend my life with. I work with a large oil company and I must say that God has been faithful to me in that I have been able to achieve most of the things women my age have not.
By the grace of God, apart from my job, I have a thriving business, two houses, one in my home town and another in Lagos. But the only thing that has been lacking in my life is a man to call my own. I don’t know whether most men are afraid of my intimidating success or many of them are just after my money and body.
To say I have suffered in the hands of men is putting it mildly, so when I met Francis and he proved in so many ways to be reliable and not after my money, I felt very comfortable with him and when he proposed to me, I was over the moon with joy.

I introduced him to my family and even set him up in a business. Coming from a not so buoyant family, most of their problems fell on my head and as a potential daughter-in-law, I did everything I could to make sure they did not lack anything.
I catered for their well being, including paying the school fees of his siblings, gave his parents a monthly allowance and helped many of his relations whenever they needed help.
But in all of these, the only way Francis could pay me back was to run away with Ijeoma, my best friend as well as my money, a whopping N38 million. It had gotten to the point where he had access to my account and could withdraw money from it. I did all that because of the love and trust I have for him.
On Ijeoma’s part, we have been childhood friends and more like sisters. I was also her benefactor as she did not have any tangible source of income.

There was nothing about me that she did not know but I never knew she was actually sharing my man with me. I knew she did not have any serious relationship, so I was surprised when she told me she was pregnant and as much as I prodded her to tell me the man responsible, she would not tell me.
But the whole truth came out when I travelled out of the country only to come back to meet the shocker of my life. Francis had left a note for me that Ijeoma was pregnant for him and that they had travelled out of Nigeria where they would settle down. In the note, he told me not to bother looking for him as he was done with an old hag like me. He included that he had ‘borrowed’ my money.
When I called my account manager, he confirmed that the amount was withdrawn and I had signed the cheque. It dawned on me that Francis had made me sign some of my cheque leaflets some months earlier and he must have used that to steal my money.

I have been devastated and for now, I have resolved never to ever have anything to do with a man for the rest of my life. But I sworn to so deal with the cheating pair, no matter how long or what it takes, even going diabolical, though my pastor, parents and friends say I should leave vengeance to God.
– Sandra.”
What do you think Sandra should do in this case? Should she take vengeance on Francis and Ijeoma or leave everything to God?

1 comment:

  1. My dear, yours is really a pathetic tale. I feel sorry for Francis and Ijeoma because God's vengance will not only visit them but it will get to their generations unborn and in less than few years time they will be on their knees and in tears begging you. You just have to really forgive them from the debt of your heart then you take the matter to God's altar consistently rather than going for the diabolical means which will eventually backfire to you as well. Don't just leave it for God but remind him everyday in prayers how these people hurt you and ask him to heal your heart as well. God bless you, restore what was stolen from you an uncountable fold and give you the grace to forgive as well as follow this piece of advice.


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