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DIY: Natural ways to get soft pink lips

There is something about pink lips that is just so appealing, be it a guy or a lady, it makes you look good. The lips are actually reddish and pink in color, as it is an extension of the inner mouth which is pinkish naturally; however, due to weather condition, the top layer dries up to quickly and gives the lips a rather dark colour.

This DIY is will teach you how to make a lip scrub, lip moisturizer and lip balm at home with very simple ingredients which you easily have access to. These items will help you gain the pink, soft, kissable lips that you always desired.

Lemon Lip Scrub

Ingredient: Granulated Sugar (preferably Brown Sugar), Honey, Coconut oil or olive oil and a slice of lemon

How to:

Get a small bowl, pour one teaspoon of granulated sugar, add half teaspoon of honey, and half teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil. After adding all these ingredients, mix them well with a spoon just to make sure all the ingredient are well combined. If you can get access to empty lip balm containers, or a vaseline container, or a robb/menthol container, what ever container you intend using, make sure it is air-tight.

Transfer the mixed content into your air-tight container. After transferring the scrub into the container, squeeze out half a teaspoon of juice from your sliced lemon, and add to the scrub. Lemon has a natural bleaching agent in it, and this would help lighten your lips naturally.

All the ingredients used to make this scrub have are natural preservatives themselves, so the scrub can stay for 2 -3 months in an air-tight container without spoiling under normal room temperature, so you can make the scrub and use it for 2-3 months.

To Use; Apply to lips and massage the lips gently for 2 minutes then wash it away immediately. The scrub helps remove dead skins on the lips and makes the lips soft and lighter. Apply at least twice a week.


Lip Moisturizer

Ingredient: honey and olive oil

How to make:

making a lip moisturizer is very, you just need one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of olive. Pour both in a small bowl, and mix it well; then pour it into another air tight container and your lip moisturizer is ready.

To apply: Lip moisturizer should be applied after your are done with the lip scrub. It can also be used daily on the lips, before bed or whenever your lips feel dry. The moisturizer can stay for up to 6 months without spoiling.


Lip Balm

Ingredient: Vaseline, lip stick and Vanilla essence (optional)

How to make:

Get a frying pan, put it on your stove, pour some water in the pan and let it boil. Once the water begins to boil, place an empty heat-proof bowl on the boiling water. Scoop one teaspoon of the vaseline and put in the empty bowl that is on the water, cut a little bit of the lip stick (use any color of lipstick you want depending on the color you want your balm to be), add the lipstick to the vaseline and stir. Within 10 to 20 seconds you will notice that your vaseline will begin to melt. Once it melts completely, use a cloth to take the bowl out of the water, and wait for it to go from hot to warm then transfer into your air-tight container. Make sure it doesn't cool down completely in the bowl because it will turn to a lip balm in the bowl and transferring it into an air-tight container would make it look messy. After transferring into the air-tight container, let it cool down completely without closing it. When it cools down completely, you see it has reaches a solid and glossy form, and your lip balm is ready. You can add a drop of vanilla essence into it to get a nice vanilla fragrance from it.


To apply: The lip balm can be carried with you anywhere you go and can be used on the lips at anytime to keep the lips moist and beautiful.


There you go, how to make and use your lip scrub, lip moisturizer and lip balm that will eventually help you get soft pink lips. Hope this article was helpful.

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