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There are various things a man notices during lovemaking. This is because a man wants to know if he is pleasuring his partner. There is a form of pride a man feels knowing he is providing maximum pleasure. These are the 5 things they look out for.

1. Your Initiative:
Men do not like it when they have to do all the work. They will just feel you are not interested. So take the lead in somethings, roll over, get on top, help make the moment exciting.

2. The Way Your Body Moves
Now no man wants a log of wood lying in bed, when you are stiff it begins to worry your partner, he begins to worry if you are in pain or uncomfortable. Men get really turned on when a woman moves her body against him, your chest pressed upon his, your thighs sliding up between his.

3. Your Eyes
Ladies your eyes say a lot but you might not know. Are you looking directly into his eyes? Are you admiring his body? Well those things turn guys on. But doing things like looking at the ceiling shows boredom, checking out your own body shows self consciousness, or looking down like your showing doubt. Show men that your interested.

4. Your Breath
This isn't related to how it smells but yeah bad breathe is a major turn off. The rhythm of breathing always changes because of the level of excitement. It always turns men on when the ladies express such high level of excitement, breathing heavily on their neck and saying sexy things which shows a high level of interest in what happening.

5. If You're Freshly Waxed or Wearing Expensive Lingerie
Yes this matters because being freshly waxed and wearing sexy lingerie show men that you were thinking about the sex also. At least both are on the same frequency.

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