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OMG #Savemayowa Was A Scam! Family Used It To SCAM Over 40Million Naira From Nigerians


Am still finding it hard to believe especially for the fact that i also contributed not just financially but emotionally, and in terms of the publicity . Just two days after we were all happy that Nigerians kindly donated to cancer patient, Mayowa Ahmed, for surgery she needed for ovarian cancer, According to new report which just surfaced online we learnt that Mayowa and her family scammed kind hearted Nigerians.

For real Mayowa is really sick. She truly has Ovarian cancer. She's admitted at LUTH but she didn't need money for surgery, because doctors had told Mayowa she was beyond treatment and no hospital in the world could treat her as she was extremely far gone. Mayowa had reached stage 4 and doctors, unfortunately, already told her family she won't survive it and had advised them to take her home. Her family instead used her situation to raise money from Nigerians. The doctors in LUTH have also denied giving her family a medical report advising her to seek treatment abroad. Read more below;.

Toyin Aimakhu, who was one of those who spearheaded the fundraising, as you read this, is at LUTH right now with police officers. Some people also went to the family's home and the place is locked up.

#SaveMayowa raised over $100k on GoFundMe and millions of Naira.

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