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Linda Ikeji’s about to go from the biggest online personality to a mega media mogul (PHOTOS)

Remember when the popular blogger, Linda Ikejisaid she was planning something major? Well, she sure wasn't mincing words when she said major.

With the 10th anniversary of her blog approaching, the blogger took to her blog yesterday to reveal her expansion plans which included Linda Ikeji Music – a music website, Linda Ikeji TV – an online TV, Linda Ikeji Radio – online radio and LIS – a project which is till under wraps.

She also shared pictures of her new office – which according to her, includes both a music studio and a TV studio.

These are not just 4 new business ventures she has rolled out because by the time, it becomes fully operational, Linda Ikeji Media Ltd might just be the biggest thing the media and entertainment industry has ever witnessed.

She held the online media by the scruff of the neck with just a blog and now she seeks total domination on the entirety of the online media space.

Read she wrote on her blog on Monday night;

"Y'all know by now that I'm a show-off, so get over it! Lol. So anyway, I'm sure by now a lot of you have heard or read that I'm finally expanding my business. Yes, I am! Blogging will always be my first love but I'm finally ready to expand into other things and take on bigger challenges. For years now, people have been suggesting to me to do more, be more, gave me different ideas of other things to venture into, but I didn't pay attention because I wasn't ready. I like to do things at my own pace & my own time. I'm finally ready! After almost 10 years of blogging, I'm ready for bigger challenges.

So aside Linda Ikeji Blog, which you amazing readers have helped me grow in the last 10 years, (LIB will be 10 in November 2016), I'm creating four new brands under Linda Ikeji Media Ltd. Continue to see all that plus photos of my new office..*wink*

The first is Linda Ikeji TV. I'm creating my own online TV Network. And in my new office, we built a studio where we can shoot some of our programmes. Our TV shows will include reality shows, entertainment/sport programmes, health/food programmes, game shows, talks shows etc…and eventually even a series. Some of our programmes will also air on terrestrial TV.

My goal is to eventually have my own TV channel on cable but we have to create enough content before we venture into that..which is what we will do for the next few months to a year.

The second brand is Linda Ikeji Radio…but not a radio station like many have thought. It's an online radio (at least for now) and at the office, I built a podcast studio where we can operate…and some of our shows will be aired live.

The 3rd brand is Linda Ikeji Music…it's a strictly music website for everything music in Nigeria plus I'm also building a state-of-the-art music studio…

Then there's LIS. Which I hope will be my biggest brand yet. Maybe even bigger than LIB. I will be unveiling that in a week or so, and I will need your massive support with this one.

So, including LIB, I have five brands now to manage…Yay! I'm so excited. This is my dream… this is everything I have ever dreamed my life would be and more and I can't thank God enough for giving me so much grace and showing me kindness. I pray favour into your lives also. I also want you to believe that your dreams can come true. Just keep working and believing!

Having said that, I will be hiring new hands to help me make these dreams a reality and grow bigger.

I'm looking for: a front desk officer/receptionist, TV presenters, editors, producers, cameramen, entertainment/music/crime writers, Radio hosts, sound engineers, HR, Accountant, Administrative staff, customer care, marketers and even drivers as we purchased some company vehicles…

But please do not send me emails with your CVs…I most likely won't read them because of my tight schedule. I will do another post tomorrow or next here to tell you how you can submit your CV or come for an interview with my senior management.

Thanks guys. Meanwhile, below are photos of some part of the Linda Ikeji Media office."

Peep pictures of the office below;

The TV studios


The dressing/make-up room

Work stations for staff

Linda Ikeji's personal lounge

The VIP lounge for visitors

The waiting room

The front desk office.

The conference room

The stairs to her penthouse office

Offices for my staff

 The staff cafeteria which also has a kitchen

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