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President Obama’s daughter twerks on camera

– 18-year-old Malia Obama is daughter of USA President, and people expect her to act certain way

– But during recent Lollapalooza festival she was caught on camera doing some pretty sexy dance

– To attend the festival she had to skip out on Democratic National Convention

The 18-year-old Malia recently graduated from high school and is planning to take a gap year before she begins classes at Harvard in 2017. She skipped out on the Democratic National Convention to attend Lallapalooza.

Malia was caught on camera twerking and flipping up the shirt she had tied around her waist, revealing her short shorts, while she partied with some of her girlfriends during the Mac Miller concert.

You can watch the video below.

But Lollapalooza is not so quiet and calm place as it might seem to people who don't know much about that festival.

Last year there were 34 arrests and 238 people were sent to hospitals, many for excessive drug and alcohol use. One hospital reported treating teenagers with two to three times the legal alcohol limit after they mixed hard liquor with marijuana, ecstasy or cocaine.

Culled : Kami.com.ph

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