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For ladies: Laser treatment can now help you tighten that loose vagina

We have had laser hair removal, laser dermabrasion to treat skin problems, now, ladies, we now have laser treatment for vaginal looseness, dryness and the other effects of age and childbirth.

Although many women would cringe at the thought of zapping their lady bits with a laser, cosmetic specialist Dr Sandy Fieldhouse swears the treatment as an effective way to rejuvenate your vagina.

Vaginal rejuvenation is a field of cosmetic surgery which treats the vagina for looseness, dryness and the other effects of age and childbirth.
Dr Fieldhouse said the new Juliet laser treatment targeted problems that many women were too embarrassed to discuss, let alone seek treatment for.

'It treats very common problems that many women don't readily talk about,' the cosmetic specialist from Melbourne's Enrich Clinic said. 

'It broadly treads vaginal laxity, or looseness, it treats dryness and it can also improve urinary incontinence which comes from weak pelvic muscles.' 

The treatment stripped away dry tissue and tightened up the vagina in three quick steps, Dr Fieldhouse said.

'The first setting is ablative. That takes off a very fine layer of tissue inside the vagina and promotes the growth of fresh, new, healthier tissue.

'The second setting does tightening. It goes a little bit deeper into the tissue and uses heat to tighten things. 

'It tightens existing collagen, stimulates new collage and stimulates blood vessel production. 

'The third setting is the external setting. It can be a bit painful in places but is really quick. This achieves a bit of tightening around the external labia.'

Vaginal rejuvenation had a range of benefits, not least improving your sex life, Dr Fieldhouse said. 

'Intercourse is more comfortable and more enjoyable. Absolutely.

'And it is most unusual to find a person who doesn't want to see an improvement in their sex life.'

The treatment, which costs up to $5,000 (about N1.57M), lasts for about an hour and can be done with nothing more than the external application of a local anaesthetic cream.

It involves inserting a small laser about the width of a crayon into the vagina and slowly rotating it.

'You can't have sex for up to five days afterwards,' Dr Fieldhouse said. 

'But you can literally get up, walk out of the clinic and go back to work.'


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