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This Nigerian Lady dumped her Nigerian boyfriend for a US-based Lover, only to discover he’s married with kids

I'm not sure if I should laugh, cry or be happy for this lady.

A Nigerian Lady who dumped her boyfriend to date a man who is based in the United States got the shock of her life after she discovered that the man who promised to marry her is a married man with 2 kids.

The discovery was made this morning and the lady in question wants other women to learn from her experience. She wrote:

"I will be glad if you post this so your followers especially single ladies can learn. I got a WhatsApp call from my dream husband to be this morning. .

As usual I picked and I was like "hey baby" to my greatest surprise a lady replied and said who is your Baby? Is it my husband you are calling your baby? Prostitute please leave my husband alone. I was dumbfounded. She ended the call and sent me a message on WhatsApp chat immediately.

Below is the conversation I just had this morning with the wife I never knew existed before now, of the guy I practically left my ex for. All because he lives in USA and was coming to marry me so I will relocate with him. ..

He had planned to come next year. I have known this guy for like two years now and he never said he his married and I never got a sign. Thank God we haven't met yet before this, I would have committed suicide."

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