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Nigerian Man Arrested In Cambodia For Raping Indonesian Woman. (Photo)

An Indonesian woman has narrated to the police how she was raped by a Nigerian man who befriended her in Siem Reap province, a resort town in Cambodia.

The provincial police chief of staff, Chea Samoeun said the girl was on a bus trip from Vietnam to Cambodia.

The man, identified by local media as Esin Nyong John, 38 year old from Oron in Akwa Ibom state, arranged to meet her at a bus station.

He promised to bring her to a guesthouse and to show her around the temples after lying to her that he was a Cambodian national.

Instead of taking her to the guesthouse, he brought her to the room he rented and raped her there overnight, Mr Samoeun said. He said the girl did not shout for help because the man threatened to harm to her with a knife if she did not submit.

After the assault, the man fled and left the girl locked in the room. Pov Chendareth, an officer at serious crime office, said police were still questioning the victim.

Esin Nyong John was arrested on June 1 2017 in a PTT petrol station situated in Chongkaosou village, Sok Raam commune, Siem Reap.

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