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20 Ways to Catch a Cheating Partner (No. 18 Works Like Magic)

Yeah. It sucks! It's when you give your entire heart, soul to anyone, that you should expect serious pain as that person owns you. Your heart. your soul. your everything. The one who can hurt you the most is that whom you love the most. Suspecting that that whom you adore adores another? Look out for the signs below:

You might just be right.

1. Very obviously, if he changes the password to his phone whenever he tells it to you, there might just be something to be worried about. Phones store a lot of private information these days, including cheating evidence.

2. If he keeps deleting social media chats when you're not looking and gives unreasonable excuses, then there's definitely cause for concern.

3. If you ask to come over and he gives seemingly endless absurd reasons why you can't, (I know, I used to do it a lot), honeybee, surprise him with a visit. There might just be something to surprise you.

4. If he keeps avoiding calls or goes out to make calls or receive calls when you're around, and then you ask him who it was, and then he says it's some random business call, looks deliberately evasive, or tells you not to worry about it, he might just be cheating on you.

5. If he has started exclaiming a new phrase that he doesn't usually say, example "Lord Lord!", it means he's probably been spending time with someone else, and has picked up some of the person's traits. This usually happens when two people spend a lot of time together.

5. Changing things up: Every evening — like clockwork — he comes home, asks about dinner and walks the dog. Now, that ritual is being messed with. He needs a shower as soon as he walks in the door; He's so tired he has to eat and go to bed immediately… Something is sneaky.

6. Sudden knowledge: He suddenly knows a lot of things about the opposite sex he didn't know before, like makeup, hairstyles, dresses, etc… He might just have got a new tutor.

7.Suspicious decisions: He doesn't let you do his laundry, or take out the garbage. He doesn't let you do all that because you might find some piece of evidence or an unaccounted condom wrapper in the garbage.

8. There's no more pleasure. If your relationship was initially full of pleasant times, and they've suddenly disappeared, for no apparent reason, there might just be a reason lurking in the shadows.

9. Blackouts: If there are periods when you suddenly don't hear from him for a while – he says it's work, or business – and it keeps reoccurring, u might have reason to be worried.

10. Ghost friends: You haven't met a lot of his friends even though you hang out with him a lot. They're always busy. Some of those hangouts might be….

11. Excuses, Excuses: He always has a reason why you can't meet up with him. Like he's "not sure when he'll be off work" or it's "just the guys."

12. He sometimes lies about random/inconsequential things at times when it doesn't really seem to matter. When he's caught he tries to make it funny and smooth it over..

13.When you pick up his phone to do something innocuous like check the time he FREAKS OUT and/or snatches it away from you with some lame excuse like "my mom's texts are embarrassing" or "phones are really personal."

14.If you calmly and sincerely approach your partner about the thought that something seems off or makes you uncomfortable, and he or she lashes out and make you feel insecure or insane, it's because s/he is deflecting. A caring relationship involves talking things out and caring about one another's feelings and validating them, while trying to resolve an issue in a constructive and healthy way.

15.Intuition: Yeah, that's right. Gut feeling. Sometimes, that instinctive feeling is usually right. If you feel it is, it might actually be.

16.Cologne: He comes home looking unusually fresh and smelling like something different from the norm. It might not be a football game or tennis practice.

17. When he turns your calender: if you notice he starts wanting to know your schedule unnecessarily much, maybe he's looking for ways to be sneaky. He probably wants to know when he can safely play around.

18. When he talks to you and treats you abusively or with disdain, disrespect or excessive sarcasm. Or. . . He may begin to find fault in everything you do in an attempt to justify their affair… There may just be someone else.

19. If you know about cars: When the car has the unexplainable mileage or a lack of additional mileage. For example, if your husband states that he went out of town yet the odometer indicates that only a distance of 25 miles had been driven. Conversely, if he says that he's only been to the office that day, yet their odometer shows many more miles had been driven, this too, may be a significant matter.

20. Your spouse is going out of their way to avoid you because they feel like if they are around you, then they may give their secret away. When someone cheats, they go through the duties of the day in a rather different way. When a younger individual pays them some attention they will feel flattered and experience a brief boost of confidence.

Once a cheater, almost always a cheater. If your guy has a Cheating history, that's an old habit that does die hard. Painful, but true. You might just be trusting wrong.

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