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A True Story

A True story shared by a reader of this blog 

 "I was reading a book then i felt sleepy,i didnt see the‎ snakes entering my house,
i only did one mistake "i forgot to close my door",7 snakes entered my house,I felt more comfortable and warmth while sleepy,i thought my wife was comforting me,perhaps the snakes was comforting me,i started shouting and nothing happend,then i started praying and something happened,From that day I discovered that God is faithful as he was faithful to Daniel, he was faithful to the 3 men thrown in fire,  he is faithful to me! and
he is faithful to everyone, you just have to believe that he is the
Lord,after opening my eyes the snakes were disappeared, OH
praise God, he is always there for us,you can't see him physical but he's there
" Comment  AMEN if you Trust God"‎


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